We, American citizens living in France, strongly disagree with the policy of the American administration and its obsession with waging war on Iraq. War will cause countless innocent deaths, terrible suffering and devastation. By polarizing the world's populations and increasing worldwide frustration, anger and hatred, a war will surely increase, not decrease, the danger of international terrorism.
Iraq's weapons can be, and are being, dealt with by the UN inspection team. Other nations (North Korea, for one) possess or are developing weapons of mass destruction. Other nations (Israel, for one) have consistently flouted UN resolutions. Other nations have dictatorial regimes. If war is the best solution for these problems, how many wars may we expect in the near future? If war is not the solution, how can Bush justify this war on Iraq?
We applaud the French stand against an irresponsible war, and urge the French government to remain steadfast and use its veto in the Security Council if necessary.